haii happy monday,

asslamualaikum, i will write my activity monday 23th october, 2017. well.. yesterday we back to make it croisant and danish. i have team work with ms.sri wahyuningsih and mr.fiqi ramadhan. we start going the first is croisant, croisant just need the ingridients flour, sugar, salt, water, yeast, egg, and butter.

i'm preparing ingridients with ms.sri wahyuningsih and my brother mr.fiqi preparing fat/butter.
we make it with love always love. because we hope the best today.

the first mix all ingridients kecuali water. mix sampai berbentuk adonan. setelah terbentuk adonan kita roll dough and save in chiller. kami menunggu di dalam chiller sambil make it danish. danis have the ingridients like a croisant but we change water with fresh milk.

after make it danish in mixer we going to roll  cold croissant and add the cold butter for make it 1000 layer, danish pun like that. 

and finish we have a croisant and danish is done and sesuai ekspekstasi, my croisant is perfect, have a many layer and crunch. 

 i think jus it i will share for you,. thanks you very much for reading my blog


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